On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Arkane Studios, the developer spent a few words in reference to their next work Deathloop, which we have already been able to see during the course of Bethesda's presentation atE3 2019: from that moment until now we have not received any news about it, and today it is time to talk about it again. In this regard, we have created a preview dedicated entirely to the game, which you can consult directly here.
With an extensive article on Bethesda's official website, we now have confirmation that the project, which consists of a first-person action, still exists and has not been canceled in any way. Following, the statements of the artistic director of Deathloop, Sebastien Mitton, and the game director Lyon Dinga Bakaba:
Times are changing and we too want to change with them. But we will always be tied in our hearts to what makes our games real Arkhane games and that is first person immersion. This is what we are good at and what we really love in Arkane. We have multiple ideas in mind to explore in our future titles that will surely appeal to our players as well.
Before anything else, we want our game spaces to be places where players can bond, rather than just walk through them. Our games shine when the player is able to govern the spaces, tools and rules of the simulation to create peculiar and unpredictable remedies. DeathLoop is a crazy experiment that has allowed us to gain a new perspective on how to diversify expression and immersion.