Deathloop it is a title, as we all know, exclusive to PlayStation 5: exclusives from third-party studios are rare nowadays, so see the next branded game Arkane Studios engaging fully on PlayStation is very intriguing. Of course, it is expected that the title will be able to show at least a good part of the potential that PS5 can offer, for example by making use of the new features of the console in several interesting ways. Speaking in a recent interview with IGN, Deathloop game director, Dinga Bakaba, explained that this is exactly what Arkane wants to do.
In addition to reiterating that Deathloop will have a higher resolution and frame rate on PS5 than it would have been able to handle on current generation hardware, Bakaba pointed out that the game will feature theHDR and "some use of ray tracing". Subsequently, Bakaba went on to confirm that Deathloop will also use the exclusive tactile feedback and adaptive triggers of DualSense, noting that being a first person game, Deathloop will place a lot of emphasis on immersion.
It has many cool features with haptic feedback and active triggers. This is a first person game and we really appreciate immersion in our games. It will be possible to really feel the weapons in hand, their reactions, etc… I think players will especially appreciate these features.
We remind all our readers that Deathloop is coming for PlayStation 5 e PC next December. Before leaving us, did you already watch the latest trailer released?