Metal grafts, technological weapons, unscrupulous corporations trying to conquer an increasingly poor and decadent society. There wealth, control and power are the only targets of these huge corporations, and the poorest classes, the marginalized, those who are forced to strive to survive are always paying the consequences ... at any cost. All this immersed in an environment where nature is now at the limit of its strength or where cities are overcrowded and poverty is rampant. Certainly not very reassuring scenarios.
If you like this kind of atmosphere then you might like the genre cyberpunk, a sub-genre of science fiction that stands out for technology and social revenge. The issues addressed always have to do with progress and his relationship with the company, which seeks to rebel against the "powerful", against those who manage the plots of power. The poorer classes suffer abuses that lead to rebellions, attempts at revenge, and given the resources available, these do not always end in the best possible way. After all, everyone has a chance.
This genre has inspired a vast artistic production, from novels a film, from graphic novel a game. And in this boundless panorama the RPGs. Precisely in the latter area it is necessary to point out a title that has all the characteristics to excite new players and confirm those who had loved the previous chapters. We talk about Cyberpunk Red, the successor of the famous cyberpunk 2020, written by Mike Pondsmith. The work comes thanks to Need Games! version Jumpstart Kit, which precedes the release of the final manual, although the state of development of the game suggests that you will not have to wait much longer. The final manual will be available to the public "when it is ready“, According to the statements of R. Talsorian Games, the publishing house.
What does the jumpstart kit contain?
- Basic rules manual, thanks to which you can familiarize yourself with the game system.
- A setting guide in which the players will have to move. In addition, this supplement can prove very useful to the GM to make their adventures more interesting.
- Six character sheets.
- Available character miniatures and maps. If there is anything that can help you play, then it's welcome.
- Pdf version of the game.
- Dice set composed of two d10 e four d6 dedicated to Cyberpunk Red.
Cyberpunk Red offers a very simple game system, which is learned after the first few minutes of the session. The choices and characteristic rolls involve rolling the ten-sided die, while the six-sided one determines the damage in combat. We are not facing a too mechanical game, as a title like D&D could be. And perhaps it is precisely its simplicity that makes it very enjoyable and offers all interested moments of great pathos. The master's task will be to make players understand the difficulties present in a hungry world where enemies hardly solve the issues in words.
The setting
We are Night City in the year 2045. This city has been the scene of abuse and serious clashes that have led to a drastic change in the environment and lifestyle. After thenuclear explosion particles have been released which give the environment a sort of red mist. Hence the name of this period of rebirth: the Rossi years. And as you try to rebuild the city, you can see important changes compared to what was seen in the previous chapters of the game. First of all, the Corporations have lost power. They no longer appear like those gigantic organizations present in Cyberpunk 2020, but despite this they have not given up the desire to control everything around them, ready for anything to be able to regain that precious lost ground that would allow them to get back on their feet. In Cyberpunk Red the Corporations have dwindled in resources and size, but their ambitions are still clear to whoever is part of them. Will it be possible to eliminate them completely?
Cyberpunk Red is played in a very degraded world, which almost deviates from the literary definition of the term "cyberpunk". Reading the guide to the setting you get the feeling that there is a little missing dimension of rebellion, of social redemption that identifies this genre. It is closer to a parenthesis post-apocalyptic seen the setting of the "after-bomb". Even the lack of a real one cyberspace - There Network that fans knew will not be present - leads to confirm this position. It is not just a matter of technology, biotechnical implants or neon lights in dark alleys. It is not just a matter of synthetic drugs and lack of resources that decree whether something is cyberpunk or not. This is all a matter of labels, no doubt, but the game would have a different flavor.
Our "heroes"
Being a Jumpstart Kit, the character construction phase is not completely clear at the moment. From now on, however, you can choose different alter-egos, each of which with accurate stats and skills, some even customizable. Here are the playable classes present in Cyberpunk Red, in order of appearance on the manual:
- Rocker: music is your tool and thanks to it you are able to exert a great influence on the mass still asleep from TV or from the false promises of dictators. Your spirit burns with a rebellious energy that has led you to fight with different means than guns or weapons in general. Write songs of protest through which you spread truth and courage to the people. If you have a rock'n'roll heart and would like to make a difference with words, this class is for you. Other than the old bards.
- To stare: the road has no secrets for you. Indeed, it is you who most likely know how to sell them to the highest bidder, to those who place a lot of money on the plate. And that's not all. You also deal with the smuggling of weapons, medicines, goods that can be worth a fortune in Night City. No one better than you could have earned so much from these furious Red Years.
- Lonely: the war machines of Night City. Unfortunately, the time spent training and fighting on behalf of the government or corporations has left deep scars on your body that have turned into cybernetic grafts, devastating weapons or chips that can improve various qualities during confrontations. Not to mention the accumulated addictions because the desire to be the strongest had to be indulged at any price.
- Nomadic: the world has no secrets for you. The White he raised you amidst huge travel and transportation and now you have learned the shortcuts and how to get the job done. If anyone needs a ride, whether it's for guns or other business, you can guarantee them.
- Netrunner: since the last Corporate War the Net has changed, but your passion for cyberspace has remained unchanged and you have had the opportunity to learn new tricks. While your team has your back, you can break through the electronic barriers of New Network, formed by Data Pool, discover information, interface with new information and data platforms. Unfortunately for you they have not yet come up with something that makes you invulnerable to the Black Ice.
- Apparel: as the name suggests, you are able to fix anything. Sure, you can make money from small jobs, but you're not foolish enough to miss out on heavy artillery. If there is a need for something to be fixed, you are the right person.
It soon becomes clear that playable characters won't have an easy time in Night City. Their skills are not limited only to the use of weapons, but will be required to find interesting ways to make the most of the flow of data, contacts and resources that their surroundings can offer. Players will have to be smart and ready for anything to survive. Night City is not a place for the faint of heart. The city is hungry and pushes its inhabitants to challenge their limits in order not to succumb. Have a good trip, choomba!