Yesterday was undoubtedly marked by the announcement of theyet another postponement di cyberpunk 2077, the highly anticipated game of CD Projekt RED, whose arrival was scheduled for next November 19th and which will now see the light on 10th December. With a statement released on its social channels and on the official website, the development team had announced that this postponement is due to the time needed to test the game on the various platforms in which it will be released. A news that, in addition to having disappointed the many fans who are now eager to get their hands on the game, has brought Geoff keighley to make a necessary decision.
As announced with a post on Twitter (reported at the bottom of the article), the founder and historical host of The Game Awards announced that Cyberpunk 2077 will no longer be able to participate to the 2020 edition of the Awards precisely because of the new postponement. Keighley stated that, like what happened in the past with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the open-world title of CD Projekt RED can be nominated for the awards related to the 2021 edition. The news of the postponement of the game took by surprise all those who, after the previous reassurances and the announcement by the Polish software house of the attainment of the state Gold, they certainly did not expect to have to deal with another postponed date.
Considered by insiders as one of the favorite titles in the race for the most important awards related to the videogame world, the absence of Cyberpunk 2077 from this year's awards can certainly change the predictions regarding the eligible winners of The Game Awards and others. prizes which are usually awarded at the end of the year. Hoping at this point not to receive further cold showers from CD Projekt RED, we remind you that Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Google Stadia, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X / S.
Much like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate a few years ago, Cyberpunk 2077 will first be eligible at next year's Game Awards. https://t.co/1gV1J4sDpV
- Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) October 27, 2020