In recent days Microsoft products has made the new limited edition of Xbox One X dedicated to cyberpunk 2077. The bundle in question, as well as containing a exclusive version of XOX fully customized and the silk-screened controller, presents a digital copy of the latest effort by CD Projekt RED, the next one coming out 17 September 2020. Unfortunately, the "lucky ones" who managed to grab the limited edition console from the Redmond al discounted price of 299 € they ran into a "bad" surprise.
According to what emerged from reddit, and reported in the image that you can find at the bottom of the article, cyberpunk 2077 present within the Xbox One X bundle would not be redeemable through the use of a code, to be entered in the appropriate section of the Microsoft store, but associated with the first account connected with the new Xbox. That Digital Direct sanctions the imminent demise of the codes within the bundles? We report below what is reported in the description:
Your digital content will be delivered directly to your console during the installation phase; no code is required. All included digital content will be downloaded to the first Microsoft account associated with the console.
Please note that cyberpunk 2077 will be available from next 17 September 2020 su PS4, Xbox One, PC e Google Stadia, although at the moment the actual release date on the cloud gaming service of the Mountain View giant is not known. If you are interested in purchasing the special Xbox One X bundle dedicated to the latest effort of CD Projekt RED, is already available for preorder at the stores k, which you can access through the following link.