Certainly cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most anticipated games of 2020, and certainly the enthusiasm for the new title of CD Project RED not lacking, especially after the release of the new gameplay video. In recent days, the Polish software house has revealed various information to VGC's microphones. During the interview, Marthe Jonkers, CDPR's senior concept artist, said they still have a lot to show, ready to "shock" players with narrative rhythms and "epic" settings. Here are his words:
It is a huge game. We showed two districts, in the game there are six in total. Exploration is very different from The Witcher, which was flatter, because you have all this verticality with buildings. There is so much to explore, in every direction.
In my opinion, the most exciting part of the game is driving the car in Night City, with the music to the ball, exploring the different districts and seeing the really advanced UI system. People react to you… exploration alone is truly amazing.
During the interview, the VGC correspondent asked the Jonkers if there was a chance to see cyberpunk 2077 su Nintendo Switch, just like it will happen in a month with The Witcher III. The senior concept artist has spent a few words on the subject, not dwelling too much on the subject but not excluding the possible arrival on Nintendo's hybrid console. Here is Marthe Jonkers' answer:
I was really impressed with our optimization team and their work on The Witcher III. As for Cyberpunk, right now we are releasing it on Xbox One, PS4 and PC and that's all I can say!