cyberpunk 2077 is finally about to arrive. In fact, there is less than a week before the announced masterpiece of CD Projekt RED, and the gamer public seems no longer to be able to deceive what appears to be an interminable wait; but this also applies to developers. Yes, because if you take a ride on STEAM you will discover that there are already several titles that refer to the Cyberpunk universe. In fact, it seems that some sort of futuristic craze has hit the online gaming platform, where every day titles that refer, more or less directly, to the adventure that will see protagonists V and Johnny Silverhand, pop up like mushrooms.
Some of them have the word Cyberpunk in the title, others just in description. Management software, first and third person shooter, 2D and 3D scrolling platformers, if you use the term Cyberpunk as a keyword on the store, a world will open up in front of you, literally. We have therefore decided to introduce you to the ones that, behind the obvious search for easy downloads, have intrigued us the most. Some are already out, others will be released in the course of 2021. Some are very promising, others, frankly, we would have gladly done without. Let's find out which are the most intriguing.
Cyber-Doge 2077: Meme Runner
The first title on the list immediately clarifies the main motivation that led to the creation of 99% of the titles on this list: following the trail of Cyberpunk 2077. We already understand it from the title. What would Memes be like in 2077? This Cyber-Doge 2077: Meme Runner try to answer this age-old question. A vertically scrolling 3D platformer inspired by the gameplay of Crash Bandicoot, in which we will impersonate a dog that you will surely know well if you hang out on social networks, some will try to survive by jumping in a world made of neon lights that is more reminiscent the Tron saga than that of CD Projekt. Nothing special, however, it could snatch some smiles from the younger ones.
Cyberpunk Detective
The title in development from Cyber Psychos it seems the most interesting of the upcoming ones. In addition to what promises to be among the best technical achievements of the titles on this list, the world in which this first-person FPS will be immersed seems to be the one that best reflects the Cyberpunk soul. Cyberpunk Detective it will put us at the helm, in fact, of a detective who will act in a futuristic city to solve a mystery linked to a shady conspiracy, leading us to fight against cyborgs and androids. In addition to the mood of the CD Projekt RED title, this Cyberpunk Detective will also introduce the possibility to modify the protagonist's body, to undertake love affairs and to have a decent RPG component. The promises are there, it will be necessary to see if they will be kept.
Sense - A Cyberpunk Ghost Story
With Sense - A Cyberpunk Ghost Story let's change the mood and throw ourselves into horror. The title boasts 2D scrolling gameplay and will see us investigate a cyberpunk horror reality. Inspired, according to the developers, by titles of the caliber of Clock Tower e Fatal Frame, Sense will make us impersonate a young woman called Mei-Lin who, in the futuristic Neo Hong Kong of 2083, will have to investigate some mysteries inspired by Chinese folklore and (re) imagined in cyberpunk sauce. A variation on the genre that could prove to be a pleasant pastime.
Cyberpunk SFX
Early access game developed by Cybercry Creators, it's a Third Person Shooter released on November 29. From a technical point of view this Cyberpunk SFX it does not seem a particularly excellent title, especially in terms of scenario construction, quite bare, and with a woody gameplay. Compared to the main Cyberpunk, it is inspired by the music, but certainly not by the atmosphere. This Sci-Fi adventure tells us the story of some synthetics who fight to survive in a future world very close to us, where AI is fought by the government that considers them dangerous and enemies of the law.
Cyberpunk Bar Sim
With Cyberpunk Bar Sim let's enter the world of management. The title released this October by the boys of Mocha will allow us to manage a futuristic Bar in a sort of Night City. Our goal will be to grow our business, increase customers and earnings, but also to explore the city through an isometric view. A variation on the genre that could be very interesting for some players and parallel to Cyberpunk 2077 itself.
Spiritual sequel to Bear, Vodka, Balalaika, this new Cyberpunk release brings the crazy Russian parodic context into the universe imagined by CD Projekt. As the title explicitly makes clear, this new first-person expansion will immerse you in a context bordering on the surreal, making you drinking vodka, fighting Russians and facing bears in a Night City that came straight out of Russia in the 90s. If you want to try a crazy and definitely different experience, this could be the title for you. By the way, you will be the bear. And we have said it all.
Cyberpunk Naughty Girls XXX
As you well know, Cyberpunk 2077 will give us the opportunity to find a companion to V. But not necessarily the companion of life, on the contrary. The title will give us the opportunity to wander around nightclubs in search of pleasant company. Well, this possibility must have hit the developers of Cyberpunk Naughty Girls XXX, so much so that he made one porn parody of the game of their colleagues from CD Projekt. For amateurs, on STEAM there is also this variant of the theme, which will be released on December 10th.
Two days later you can also experience this title which requires the possession of a VR viewer to be played. Even in this SEX, Drugs and Cyberpunk you will play the most adult part of the Cyberpunk world, in a decidedly mature context set in the future that will put you in front of content not suitable for minors, with alcohol, sex and drugs.
Electric Sheep: A Cyberpunk Dystopia
Of all the games on this list, this is probably the one with the most potentially interesting storyline. Electric Sheep: A Cyberpunk Dystopia it places us in a dystopian context, in a society controlled by anarchist androids. Our protagonist will be part of a resistance cell that will have the task of restoring freedom to citizens. This title will also require the use of a VR display to be completed.
Cyberpunk Fighter
We conclude the list by returning to a paradoxical and unrealistic context almost as much as a cyberpunk world. In this Cyberpunk Fighter we will impersonate a warrior from another dimension, who fights shirtless a bit like Schwarzenegger's terminator. With your kicks and punches, you will exterminate cyborgs armed with deep lasers in a futuristic city. We do not believe there is need to add more.
Cyberpunk 2077: a world of Clones
December 10 has now arrived, but we're sure we'll hear about Cyberpunk 2077 beyond its release date. As we have seen, there are many developers who have decided to ride the wave of enthusiasm that will be impetuous throughout 2021. In fact, there are clones of the CD Projekt RED blockbuster for all tastes, some have already been released. , others will arrive in the coming months, and many more, we are sure, are currently in development. Prepare your Twitch accounts, streamers in the coming year will have a lot of material available.