According to some American newspapers, one of the streaming platforms dedicated mostly to the Japanese universe could soon have a new owner. We are talking about Crunchyroll, the American website to which you can subscribe to receive exclusive content (usually used for watching anime). Apparently, AT&T is considering sell the company to pay off some debts. According to The Information magazine, the sale of the site would pay around one and a half billion dollars. To date, no buyers have been announced but according to some rumors it seems that Sony (former owner of Funimation) it could be a probable alternative.
AT&T is an American telephone company, the principal organization of Warner Media (a company operating in the film and television sector). Among the main resources of the company we find: Crunchyroll, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, HBO (e HBO Max), Turner Networks, Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Entertainment, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim (US television channel), CNN Worldwide e Turner Sports. According to some, the sale of Crunchyroll would add to another planned sale by WM. During the month of July, in fact, there were rumors that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment was for sale and that Microsoft was one of the most interested companies. This negotiation would still seem open, but totally confidential.
Obviously all these transfers would serve to repay this famous debt we talked about above. The main problem will be to be able to raise the entire sum. A feat, according to many, almost impossible given that in June it amounted to approximately $ 153,4 billion. We don't know if these movements will affect the future of companies as we know them. Probably from the sale of Sony a new platform could be born by merging Crunchyroll and Funimotion, but it is only a hypothesis. We just have to wait to find out what the future of WarnerMedia will be. In the meantime, we refer you to our pages, which will be updated in real time.