So far fans of Smallville they were experiencing a moment to say the least "idyllic" given the recent confirmation of the return of Tom Welling and Erica Durance in the next crossover of the Arrowverse, Crisis on Infinite Earths. But this moment was "ruined", in part, by the statements of the same Michael Rosenbaum, performer in the series of Smallville di Lex Luthor, categorically confirming that it will not be part of the new project in any way DC e Warner Bros. Here are the words of Rosenbaum:
Friends, many of you have written and asked me to join the Infinite crossover. You cannot understand how much you appreciate all of this, so I will be absolutely clear on the matter. WB phoned my agents on Friday afternoon while I was visiting my grandfather in a retirement home in Florida. Their offer was: no script, no idea when I was going to shoot, basically no compensation. And the real kicking in was when they said: 'We need to know now'. My answer was simply 'Over'. I think you can understand why. Hope this answers all your questions. Love, Rosenbaum.
Therefore, all the more so following the statements of Michale Rosenbaum, we can currently exclude his involvement in Crisis on Infinite Earths.
The new crossover ofArrowverse will see the characters of Arrow , T, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman e Black Lightning face a new threat all together.
Here ya go. ? pic.twitter.com/8PFT6wsPMo
- Michael Rosenbaum (@michaelrosenbum) September 24, 2019