Just a year ago, thousands of players, including myself, were rubbing their hands at how good luck was promising us, all thanks to that Bethesda that he had made very few missteps in past years. Just think of the excellent Prey, to the great support provided to Fallout 4 with the different DLCs and mods that have enriched it, but also at the return of DOOM e Wolfenstein II and the excellent DLC of Prey: Mooncrash. It was the year when the mouth water fell by the liters, waiting to know something more about Fallout 76, the online title that was to revolutionize the brand, or the unexpected but very welcome RANGE 2. Needless to say, we know how it went. The drop in quality was dramatic, not so much for the shooter released less than a month ago, as for the less charismatic return to the contaminated area ever, as well as the emptyest in living memory. For this, on the stage of E3 2019, Bethesda absolutely cannot go wrong. What will it focus on? What should we expect instead?