Finally he has arrived Christmas! IS finally it is also finished! Yes, because at Christmas we are all better and better, right? Yet this concept sometimes seems too forced, doesn't it? Become cute and cuddly for 48 hours of pure serenity with friends, relatives, and lots of entertainment ... and then blow it all away from the next day. Making a feast of good intentions - as well as food - is therefore routine, but why not allow yourself the whole day after Christmas to vent all the repressed wickedness and withheld (clearly in a healthy and videogame way)? Just to awaken your karmic and videogame evil, here are ten moments in no particular order that will stimulate your bad intentions, so as to remain (perhaps) in balance for the whole next year!
Attention, some of the scenes proposed below may disturb some audiences, so we invite you to play the video scenes only if you are part of an adult audience. Also, some of the scenes have SPOILERS on the continuation or ending of some games.
1) GTA V - Anytime
Let's start the dance with a warm-up game, a title that less than others needs introduction and that has managed to survive three generations of videogames. Let's start with GTA V because, actually, there is no specific moment in which players are inclined to be bad, or to vent their sadism, because this can happen at any time during the game. Come on, those of you who have never started the title of Rockstar with that free half hour, just to run around and do all kinds of damage? Free kills, the company of elegant young ladies, theft, and blunders of all kinds on the verge of human conception. The plot is often overshadowed, admit it, and the feeling of omnipotence you feel in those moments - perhaps helped by some cheat - is second to nothing. Ready to dye this post Christmas madness?
2) Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - "No Russian" Campaign Mission
Several years after its original appearance in the world of video games, and after its return to the generation just ended, the mission "No Russian" di Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 continues to be the emblem of gratuitous violence. For those unfamiliar with it, it is a cold-blooded massacre of dozens and dozens of civilians inside an airport. It won't be enough to cover your eyes or stop, because, as the game's plot dictates, the carnage must continue. This is not by far the bloodiest moment in the history of video games, but certainly one of the most controversial and disturbing set in modern society. Do you want to be bad, but really bad after Christmas? Dust off the campaign of this COD.
3) Beyond: Two Souls - Burning Kirsten's house
Not all children are lucky in relationships with others, nor are young boys. Some people have more difficulty in relating than others, and often for very serious reasons. However, even malice often peeps out when you are young, and certain dynamics do not hesitate to manifest themselves. If you have played Beyond: Two Souls, of course you already know which scene I am referring to. The small one Jodie Holmes she was not welcomed at Kirsten's birthday party as the adults expected, and it didn't take much to make her feel out of place… let's get in the way of an underlying superficiality of the boys, psychological violence, and even being locked up in a basement. We have witnessed it all, the injustices that innocent Jodie has been subjected to. Revenge is more than justified, don't you think? And here with the help of Aiden, you can put an end to the party of the bully girl by terrorizing her guests, arriving until the entire house was set on fire. Do you want to vent your anger to put an end to an injustice? The door is open. Eye for an eye…
4) Lucius - Kill Alistar the butler
This time we move on to a title that is not too well known, but which has very few rivals when it comes to malice. Lucius is a small 6-year-old boy, born on 6 June 66 (does the date tell you anything?) and who turns out to be nothing less than the offspring of the Devil. Just after his sixth birthday, his good dad will give him the gift of powers, gradually more powerful, to become a demon worthy of his father. But to get them he will have to earn them ... and what better way to kill the entirety of his family and the staff of the huge mansion in which he lives? Clearly without being discovered, and always be the good child of the house. The whole game, even if dated and with a technical sector not really to scream, manages well in presenting itself as unhealthy and disturbing, but above all extremely macabre. While all the kills in the game would be perfect for being bad at Christmas, we particularly mention that of Alistar the butler, who it will happen right on the eve. Best wishes!
5) Far Cry 3 - Choosing to betray your friends
Far Cry 3 it was a turning point for the Ubisoft series, not only for a gameplay that is all in all fun, but above all for the great personality of the secondary characters and the antagonists we meet in game (Vaas Montenegro has become a legend). However, right in the final stages of the game, we are faced with the choice that could question everything we have done throughout the game. After a thousand ups and downs, massacred enemies, burnt fields and an organization dismantled piece by piece, we will be able to choose whether to save our friends ... or take sides with Citra. Well, if you are vindictive enough and have long since run out of supplies of goodness, you already know how our Jason will use the knife. The scene that follows will be the final scene of the game, and although we all know our fate, the scene itself may not be too unpleasant ...
6) Bioshock - Draining little sisters to get ADAM
Sure, they're not exactly cute and cuddly… but why on earth should we blame girls instead of saving them? But it's obvious… for the power! The infamous Bioshock continually confronts us with the same choice: save Little Sister or drain it to get ADAM and become even more powerful? Can you imagine a more cowardly form of malice than picking on defenseless girls (or nearly so, given their Big guardians) and treating them as a tool? Our cruelty will pay off a lot in terms of gameplay, as we will overflow with the power of the Plasmids, and that the only "negative" part turns out to be only the video of the epilogue. To get to the top, after all, you always have to pay a price, right? Certainly a Christmas present not too welcome for little ones.
7) Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - Get Bernard fired
Believe it or not ... evil is not just about killing and / or destruction. In this case our protagonist is the shrewd and "terrible" pirate Guybrush Threepwood! To get what he wants, especially in Monkey Island 2, he resorts to any means and stratagem, even if often someone else is the loser. Between a monkey hypnotized and used as a wrench, or a cartographer without his monocle, or a pirate who will find himself without a wooden leg, it was poor Bernard who lost the most. the cook who will end up losing his job for our stunts. The whole game is a great succession of deceptions and subterfuges, which despite the good intentions and the "noble" purpose, turns out to be an explosive cocktail of sadism and selfishness. If you want to give vent to your wickedness by exploiting wit and without reaping victims unnecessarily, this is the title for you! Of course, making a restaurateur lose his job at Christmas is not a nice thing these days.
8) Vampyr - "Hugging" civilians and eating them
The night brings advice ... but also death. You will learn vampire law right away when you pick it up Vampyr, the least politically correct game created by Dontnod. Adopting a modality similar to the one we saw in Bioshock, but clearly more extensive and particular, too Jonathan Reid in Vampyr he will be able to do what he wants with the weak citizens. The epidemic is rampant throughout London, and few people in the various neighborhoods are still healthy. What to do? Make our life easier on a personal level and help these people, treating them as a good doctor, or feed on them drawing on their fine blood and becoming more and more powerful? If pity is not part of your vocabulary, especially if you are full of Christmas kisses and hugs, behave like a skilled bloodsucker!
9) Fallout 3 - Blowing up Megaton
Going back to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 generation, there is a moment that you will really enjoy reliving, if you want to reveal yourself as cursed carrion. Remember that Megaton, that charming city in Fallout 3 that sees a miraculously unexploded atomic bomb at its center? Well, then you already know what drastic action I am referring to. During the game, talking to the elegant gentleman at the bar, we will be asked to blow up the entire city by detonating the bomb, and with it all its poor inhabitants. If glory and fragrant payment are more important to you than an entire city and a few lives… well, what are you waiting for to flip the switch? The view from the skyscraper is nothing short of explosive, off to the Christmas lights! Of course, going back there will perhaps give you some remorse of conscience.
10) The Last of Us - Kill the surgeon and save Ellie
This action in The Last of Us it was drastic on its own, but after playing The Last of Us Part II the importance and resonance of that moment have been amplified hundreds of times, as well as the enjoyment of reliving it, if you are a hardened bad guy. We obviously refer to when with our Joel we'll kill the surgeon in cold blood while he is about to operate Ellie, the only person capable of saving the whole of humanity. It is not an action that we can choose to do or not do, because we will be obliged for plot reasons (yet I am sure that more than half of you will have also attacked the equally innocent nurses). A moment of pure anger, violence and wickedness ... and who knows, maybe now you find even more right. If after Christmas you want to go back to being - loving - selfish, the best way is to relive this scene in a loop.
Bonus 1) Tomb Raider 2 - Lock the butler in the fridge
It could not miss as a Bonus par excellence, that moment that will make you escape the classic "it's true! I've always done it too! ". Well, who of you with genuine malice never has Lara Croft's Butler locked up in the refrigerator in Tomb Raider 2 in the free training section in Lara's mansion? Just as I thought. One of the most iconic, and at the same time classic and fun, actions in the world of video games (even if now a bit vintage). Toh ... this is the second time that a butler gets involved today, it doesn't have to be a very lucky job.
Bonus 2) - Kill Sims in The Sims
I bet my entire pocket money (0 €) that you said this time "I always do this too hahaha". Tell the truth, The Sims it is one of those games that often confronts us with the same redundant actions, and that makes us find something “alternative” within the activity, which makes the experience more sparkling. And so, with the help of cheats and not, the most sadistic and bad users engage in real hunts for kill Sims in the most imaginative way possible, from clearing the pool ladders to drown them, to burning them alive in spectacular and non-accidental fires. Don't deny it, you can't wait to close the article and put in place some perfect Christmas-style crime.