There is no doubt that the world of cinema and videogame have learned to "talk to each other" more and more mixing, shaping and above all helping each other in their respective productions. If the video game medium has always been viewed with a more critical eye than that of music, cinema or literature, in recent years, thanks to these unions of multiple markets, video games are beginning to be seen as a form of art like the others. Parallel realities that, especially the first two, nowadays almost always live in symbiosis. Finding Hollywood actors, directors or screenwriters ready to work on a videogame project, almost always appearing in the game too, is no longer a novelty. We could say plenty of important names: Keanu Revees (Cyberpunk 2077), Shawn ashmore (Quantum Break), Rami Malek (Until Down), Willem Defoe (Beyond: Two Souls), Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen (Death Stranding) and many others have helped to grow their respective products (even economically sometimes) making them always, or almost, better. But which and how many other actors could we see taking part in a new project? Or who, in your opinion, would be the perfect interpreter for a particular video game you love so much? We wanted to try to have our say, assuming 7 famous actors in as many well-known titles, trying to contextualize them in the "reality" in which they were placed. Here are our 7 famous actors for as many video games, taking the place of 7 protagonists:
George Clooney - Joel (The Last of Us)
One of the most famous actors in the world who has always ridden the big screen, repeatedly considered the sexiest man on the planet and winner of 2 Academy Awards; after the last appearance on Netflix for its The Midnight Sky, where we can see him quite aged, unkempt, with a long beard and a desire to live not exactly accentuated, the comparison with Joel, protagonist of the exclusive Sony videogame series, immediately took place The Last of Us, which certainly does not live in the best way. The similarity is not very marked, but not too distant, and trying to think of Clooney in a post-apocalyptic context with a lot of pandemic we do not mind at all given the long and conspicuous curriculum of the actor.
John Malkovic - Master Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts)
To see Master Hehanort e John Malkovic neighbors might seem to see the exact same person except that one exists and the other does not. Visually almost twin brothers, the famous actor has often also lent his service to figures considered enemies or antagonists in various films, which is why we imagine his presence in perfect harmony with the villain on duty. Kingdom Hearts, the wicked Master Xehanort.
Scarlett Johanson - Jesse Faden (Control)
Obviously, in our article there is also room for actresses, including the famous Scarlett Johanson. Known to most for the role of Black Widow in films The Marvel movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she is also a woman in high demand on various sets, especially in action films. His resume includes many films focused on wars and shootings, but also decidedly other products. Having become one of the best Hollywood actresses of recent years, we believe she is the number one candidate to take over from Jesse Faden, protagonist character of the excellent dystopian action title developed by Remedy, Control, in which Scarlett would serve as director of the Federal Bureau of Control.
Bruce Willis - Duke Nukem
Okay, maybe the haircut isn't exactly right, but on the one hand Duke Nukem is the classic stereotypical character all muscles and little salt in the pumpkin, we can only think of the king of action films that have accompanied us for several years: Bruce Willis. Stubborn, muscular, disruptive and more, the Hollywood actor would be the perfect candidate to play the iconic character created by Todd Replogle (Has anyone thought of Armageddon?).
Hugh Laurie - Gordon Freeman (Half Life)
Both doctors, both with particular characters, and certainly very similar in face and physique. The difference? One is the head of diagnostic medicine at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital and saves lives, the other is a newly hired theoretical physicist at the Black Mesa Research Facility who fought aliens, government and teleporters. The latter is probably more taciturn than the loved and hated Dr. House, but the famous stinging and cynical talents of Hugh Laurie would be really interesting to see within this saga (will the third and coveted chapter ever arrive?). Two similar doctors, close, and who would almost certainly make a future new episode a touch more ironic than the previous ones.
Gerard Butler - Marcus Fenix (Gears of War)
Nowadays, if we see an action movie with disasters, alien invasions, wars or the like, we will almost certainly find as the main actor Gerard Butler. Big, muscular, vindictive, often also good and gentle. Who reminds you? To us a lot Marcus Fenix di Gears of war. The beloved protagonist of the main trilogy released on Microsoft consoles and PC, is the above described. Excellent soldier, son of the most important researcher akin to the war against the locusts, father of JD Fenix (protagonist of the last chapters), Marcus Fenix is definitely a character structured to be played by the actor of PS I love you ... and of Attack to Power. Also highlighted is the film with the aforementioned actor "Gamer", a film very close to the world of video games and also enough for that of Gears of War.
Brad Pitt - Call of Duty
Not a real character in particular, but if Fabio Rovazzi was chosen to be one of the Operators of Call of Duty Warzone, allora Brad Pitt certainly not far behind. His award-winning career, focused more on war, action, drama and many more, is worth, we believe, at least the presence in one chapter of Call of duty. Whether developed by Infinity Ward, or Treyarch, or Raven or Sledgehammer, we want Brad Pitt as the next protagonist of a future chapter of the brand or as a playable character for multiplayer modes. There are too many films that we could list that have close similarities with the shooter in question, and given that nowadays cinema is increasingly merging with the videogame medium, the protagonist of Troy, World War Z, Fury and much more would be an excellent ally in the team.
The list could go on for a long time, and considering that every day new emerging actors and new titles always able to capture the attention of the public arrive on the scene, we may never finish it. These are our 7 famous actors who are candidates to take the role in as many video games; what are yours instead?