A few days ago, more precisely on February 9th, CD Projekt RED, the Polish software house famous for the The Witcher and for the most recent and discussed cyberpunk 2077, stated that she was the victim of a heavy cyber attack which, in addition to having stolen some documents relating to reports and investor relations, would have stolen the source codes of the servers for cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3, Gwent, and a still unreleased version enriched with the ray-tracing of the third chapter of the saga starring Geralt of Rivia to then put them up for auction. The software house immediately stated that it would not come to terms or negotiations with this mysterious hacker, even if they were aware that this would have involved publishing or selling the compromised data to external individuals.
According to the latest statements released by the cybersecurity company Kela, the stolen data would have already been sold to a mysterious buyer who, following a large offer, would have caused the auction to be definitively closed. The news was later confirmed through a statement posted on Kela's official Twitter profile. At the moment it is not possible to know the identity or purpose of this mysterious buyer but in the meantime, CD Projekt RED has announced that it has done everything possible to secure the IT structure and that it has begun to restore the stolen data. Another heavy blow for CD Pojekt RED which, following the disastrous and controversial launch of Cyberpunk 2077, has been the center of attention for the past few months. At the moment we just have to wait for further updates.
Just in: #CDProjektRed AUCTION IS CLOSED. #Hackers auctioned off stolen source code for the #RedEngine and #CDPR game releases, and have just announced that a satisfying offer from outside the forum was received, with the condition of no further distribution or selling. pic.twitter.com/4Z2zoZlkV6
- KELA (@Intel_by_KELA) February 11, 2021