Jed Shepherd, writer and executive producer of the horror film HostIn partnership with Visible Games & Limited Run Games, announced the arrival of a crossover product between cinema, TV and video games, namely Ghosts, a video game in real-time which takes inspiration from the works of the screenwriter Nigel Kneale and the blurring of reality and fiction from found footage films of the last 25 years. Ghost is in development and will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch during 2022.
Unlike previous games in this all too often forgotten genre, Ghosts developers are trying to achieve a horror experience that aims to combine and synergize the vast world of horror movies with that of video games, making optimal use of the mechanics that have characterized the genre since the 90s.
The game's premise, which cites classic 90s FMV (full motion video) games such as Night Trap and Phantasmagoria as inspiration, will see players take on the role of a television producer running a channel called FrighTV, while at drive one ghost hunter team looking for a called entity The Long Lady, which is said to kill everyone who looks her in the face. The novelty is that the title will be playable in real time, and will go “live” at 22:00 in the local time zone of the players every night.
The cast of the horror video game Ghosts also consists of several actors from the Jed Shepert film Host, including Haley Bishop, Radina Drandova, Jemma Moore, Caroline Ward and Emma Louise Webb. For the uninitiated, Host is a horror film that takes place entirely on Zoom, was filmed during the start of the 2020 global pandemic and was released on US streaming platforms last July, achieving great critical acclaim. and for the public. You can find the Ghosts Kickstarter campaign by following this link.