Through the profile Twitter official game, the possibility of obtaining a personalized report for Call of duty warzone. The report is nothing more than a list of the player's personal statistics. The information that can be discovered is:
- Killings
- Kill / death rate
- Dead
- Hours played
- Games won
This is an interesting way to monitor its own performance and the results obtained in the course of their games. Players can then compare the own report with that of others and have fun discovering who was the best.
Getting your own report is very simple. Just have a Twitter account and reply to the official tweet with the hashtag #WarzoneReport and pointing to your own Gamertag, name on PlayStation Network or the nickname on PC, depending on the platform on which you play.
Recall that the game, developed by Treyarch was released on November 13 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One e Xbox Series X / S. It is a battle royale free to play, where the players are divided into teams of three and must explore the map to find weapons and equipment, in order to face the other teams and achieve victory.
The game is constantly updated and supported. A part of the second season was recently added. Also, it leaked a new map through a leak and they are all waiting for the already announced Nuke event.
The title will soon receive a new modality, called Outbreak, which is nothing more than the classic zombie mode now typical of the series, obviously remodeled to adapt to the gameplay style of battle royale. While as regards the new map, this should be set in the 80s, therefore in full Cold War. The ability to see your stats through the report simply accessible via Twitter will surely make more than one player happy.