One of the most relevant news, but at the same time the most bizarre that we would have thought to cover in Call of Duty, was the introduction of a new operator within the last chapter Modern Warfare and in the Battle Royale Call of Duty Warzone that portrayed one of our "singer", "youtuber", or rather multifaceted artist of importance in recent years as Fabio Rovazzi. Famous for his videos and his songs, he has in fact become a real character, available with the update tomorrow (Tuesday 8 September), in a game of the highest prestige like the one developed by Infinity Ward. The name of his alter-ego with whom we will all have the pleasure of entering into battle will be none other than "Death". But why did a boy, an artist so far from this world, become such an important character in this production?
To answer this question he thought of it directly through a video that you can see at the head of the article we recommend watching. Basically, during the last edition of Lucca Comics, Rovazzi got to know Bernardo Antoniazzi "Bernie" of Infinity Ward who, during a dinner, proposed to the young artist to go to his studio located in Los Angeles for facial tracing sessions in order to be able to insert him as a cameo within Call of Duty Warzone and Modern Warfare. The same "Bernie" has in fact admitted that he enjoyed being portrayed and then insert himself in various game missions. In the movie we can see the entire process of making Activision's Capture Studio which then led to the creation of “Death”. As for the dubbing phases, which unfortunately coincided with the worldwide lockdown due to the coronavirus, the good Fabio received a kit containing everything necessary including the 1800 phrases to be repeated both in the original language and in American.
Death, played by Fabio Rovazzi, is a skilled Old West lover soldier devoted to true and crude justice. Enlisted at the age of 18, after having lived the first part of his life in Salerno, he joined the paratroopers regiment of Col Moschin. After an excellent career as a soldier, he was selected by Warcom to join the Coalition faction.