Zoat - a word that brings out a hint of nostalgia for fans of a certain age. But their return to the universe is there for all to see Warhammer 40.000, albeit with a simple help for our explorers of Blackstone Fortress. Let's explore together what exactly one is Zoat and how it evolved into its new model: the Archivist.
- Zoat exist in the lore of the universe of Warhammer 40.000 since its dawn, when it was thought that these mysterious creatures were part of the hive fleets Tyranid. With their six limbs and their incredibly alien appearance, it was natural to associate them with the fruits of hive mothers. But where they really come from and what they want, no one has ever been able to say for sure. As we can see, the new model shares many of the design cues of the classic Zoat, including the centaur-like body, breathing mask and a similar choice of weapons.
In addition to being a real character for the explorer team of Blackstone Fortress, the Archivist will also have some rules with him to be able to play it in Warhammer 40.000. This gives us hope that in the future the Zoat may they return to the battlefields of the 41st Millennium!
La Games Workshop has promised new previews for the next few weeks, with in-depth information on rules and whatnot about this new expansion of the title. For those wishing to take advantage of the quarantine to study a bit of lore, we suggest the following anthology produced and distributed by Black Library, Vaults of Obsidian!