A bronze statue of Batman high 7,5 feet was unveiled on Friday in Burbank. The statue, from the weight of 600 pounds, was sculpted by Alejandro Pereira Ezcurra and is based on a drawing of the publisher and creative director of the DC Comics Jim Lee. It is located on the walkway AMC in Burbank, County Municipality Los Angeles. Below you can find the celebratory tweet of the city of Burbank below, with its translation of the post:
Batman, the iconic DC superhero, is in Burbank, so pay him a visit the next time you're in downtown Burbank.
Batman, the iconic DC Super Hero, is in Burbank so pay him a visit the next time you're in Downtown Burbank. Learn more about the Batman Statue, funded by Visit Burbank, here https://t.co/ButaZi42Ad
Watch the Virtual Unveiling here: https://t.co/SVt9shDNDP pic.twitter.com/oC0yiPCdUV
- City of Burbank (@BurbankCA) November 21, 2020
The aforementioned Jim Lee, in a video presentation on Friday, said:
Now Batman has found another fantastic home here in the heart of Burbank, the city where so many of his stories were created, animated, filmed and brought to life. I am honored that this beautiful larger than life Batman statue is based on one of the iconic poses from a story I drew called Batman Hush.
City officials hope it will be the first of several "places for selfies”That attract people to the area and highlight the city's position in the entertainment industry. The mayor of Burbank Sharon Springer encouraged Batman fans to share their photos of the statue on social media using the hashtag #BurbankBatman:
The Batman sculpture and those that follow help show Burbank as a major tourist destination and will further highlight the city's statue as the media capital of the world.