If you haven't seen it yet Avengers: Infinity War, do not continue reading, the following article contains SPOILERS!
Those of you who have already gone to the cinema to see it, will certainly not have remained impassive in front of the many twists. There are not a few characters who fall in the fight against Thanos. Among the heroes defeated by the Titan, one of the most beloved is certainly Big. As you know, the nice anthropomorphic plant has never uttered lines other than the phrase "I am Groot", or slight variations on the theme. Despite this, his friends always understood what he meant, while the viewer had to rely only on his own assumptions.
Seeing him disappear in front of the faithful Rocket Racoon, who remains helpless to witness the scene, many fans were moved, wondering what that last line of Groot. One of them asked on Twitter a James Gunn, director of Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Below you will find the tweet in question.
A simple translation, as well as moving and full of meaning, which puts an end (perhaps) to the most close-knit couple of the MCU.