The film of the two brothers Russian it is achieving important results and revenues continue to rise. Avengers: Infinity War, blockbuster during its first weekend, in the USA was able to set aside, at the box office, a nest egg of 257,7 million dollars in takings, even exceeding Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
On the global market the cinematographic work belonging to the mythical and heroic universe The Marvel movies, is now almost "one step" from reaching altitude 2 billion. A surprising result that will certainly allow him to bypass other important cinematographic works. One of the key markets will most likely be China. The extension of the Chinese market is in fact possible that it gives to Avengers: Infinity War that final impetus allowing it to exceed the 2 billion threshold and perhaps go even further.
Avengers: Infinity War however, it has achieved an excellent result to date. A mixture of action and adrenaline that have certainly captured the attention of the spectators who apparently are repaying the Russo brothers very well for the effort put into the production of the work.