The sixth full season of Arrow , distributed Warner Bros. Entertainment in DVD e Blu-rayBelow is the synopsis of Arrow's sixth season plot.
Following the devastating explosion on Lian Yu, Oliver Queen returns home and is faced with a challenge he has never faced before: fatherhood. Oliver is determined to take this role seriously as he continues to serve and protect Star City as both Mayor and Green Arrow. But enemies of the past - including Black Siren, Vigilante, Ricardo Diaz, Cayden James and others - are ongoing threats. Plus the ties between Team Green Arrow members - veteran John Diggle, Thea Queen, tech genius Felicity Smoak, former police captain Quentin Lance, genius inventor Curtis Holt and new recruits Rene Ramirez / Wild Dog and metahuman Dinah Drake - have deteriorated. The future of Star City is at stake in all 23 thrilling and unmissable episodes of Season Six.