After having wanted to bet on cloud-gaming technology with the project Amazon Moon, the e-commerce giant is still pushing a lot towards its imposition also in the video game industry and today the opening of a new studio of Amazon Games a Montreal, in Canada. In this new and fourth headquarters of the gaming department of the American multinational, which for the first time goes outside the United States, a team of experts and veterans of the sector has already been formed, including several designers and programmers who have worked at Rainbow Six Siege who have decided to try their hand at this new adventure.
The new project that will be developed within this new studio will be a new IP based heavily on online multiplayer, hence the experience that these former Ubisoft employees they have cultivated with the development of the Tom Clancy shooter will certainly be useful for the creation of this new title, of which unfortunately nothing is known about it yet. Among these well-known faces of the industry we also find Xavier Marquis, creative director of this new game from Amazon Games Studios, who said he was absolutely thrilled to be able to work with creative freedom that this new studio offers and that thanks to the eight years of experience cultivated by him and his team with Rainbow Six Siege will surely be able to give to fans and enthusiasts a gaming experience that certainly won't disappoint them.
Despite the failures born of the past works of Amazon Games Studios, such as the projects Breakaway o Crucible in May (both canceled), the experience of this new Canadian studio could really allow this giant company to make a definitive leap in quality in the gaming industry, after having established itself as a leader in both e-commerce and television production. or cinematographic. For now we can do nothing but wait to find out what this study will have in store for us, which could reveal more information about their new multiplayer IP just in conjunction with the next one. E3 2021.