Il Black Friday di Amazon has now been concluded for several days, after hundreds of offers that have invaded the platform during the week affected by the pleasant initiative. Although customers were able to find items of all kinds at reduced prices for a short time, it emerged that the large amount of orders caused many problems regarding the logistics of some of the latter, such as the hybrid console of Nintendo.
In fact, many posts have emerged on Twitter containing complaints from those who ordered one Nintendo Switch in recent weeks, with nice and at the same time worrying comments. It is in fact almost official that absurd orders of all kinds have been sent instead of some of the consoles. There is talk of objects of common use in any case, which seem to have been randomly taken from all the articles on the platform.
Luckily Amazon he suddenly clarified that anyone who has encountered such problems can easily contact support to receive a refund, as obviously the items shipped have a rather low value and are not what customers requested. And you, you own one Nintendo Switch? We refer you for the occasion to our article that talks about the excellent porting of Alien Isolation on the hybrid console.