The campaign has just started Kickstarter di Airships. North Pole Quest - The Game. This interesting board game was designed to take us to the discovery of a fascinating and majestic history of airships. The totally local project is led by Max Pinucci, an expert and passionate in the sector, who for years has been trying to bring to the fore a true and unfortunately forgotten story of a research that has been at the center of the development of our current civilization.
The study of these giants of the sky has a deep and unknown history for many, so Max and his team decided, after the publication and design of several books, to create a fascinating and affordable board game. The passion of this development team can be seen at a glance, the game is made up of artfully selected materials, to guarantee players and all airship enthusiasts a game studied in detail.
Airships. North Pole Quest - The Game it can really be a project to be supported, because even if lacking in information regarding Airships, you will find many notions and a true story to know and pass on, recognizing the honor and dignity that it deserves. If you want to support this fascinating title, all you have to do is click on the following link, do not miss this great opportunity.
If you want to know more, below we leave you a short extract of the project:
“The majestic beauty of airships, a true and forgotten story, an epic quest unique in the history of civilization. We design real planes. We design books for airships. So, we decided to design a game, dedicated to anyone who wants to fly with us, with the same care, the same style, the same charm that we put into our works.
We have created a team of experts, game designers, artists, passionate players with a common goal: to design the most beautiful, exciting and intriguing game dedicated to the legendary dream of man, the airships. We are here to bring this project to life with you, not to sell an online game.
This after hundreds of sketches, tests, 3d models, cards, illustrations, prototypes. Dedicated to collectors, aviation history enthusiasts, strategy and simulation fans, model lovers, romance and steampunk enthusiasts. We will take you back to 1924, in the golden years of airships, when nations began to focus on the Arctic, the last inviolate frontier, and for its symbol: the North Pole. A question of prestige, but also of great opportunities: strategic explorations, lands to annex, trade routes to open. This is all based on years of research and our outstanding book “Airships | Designed for grandeur, illustrated history ”, considered the finest book on the subject in aviation literature.
Some aspects of the game have yet to be defined, which is why we thought of KickStarter as the perfect platform to encourage a shared project, in which players could provide their support not only economically but also in direct feedback with the authors.
We will always be transparent with our supporters and make sure to post updates and collect feedback, for further development. We will make sure to read and consider all your comments, making an effort to keep up with your messages. "
What do you think of this project? Let us have your first impressions.