As reported by the user Babu1993 between the pages of the portal Reddit, important news could be revealed soon from Microsoft products regarding the backward compatibility of the next generation consoles Xbox Series X and Series S. The rumor stems from what was declared by the YouTuber known by the name of ElAnalistaDeBits (whose channel focuses on the technical analysis of video games and their performance on different hardware), according to which an announcement by Microsoft would be expected on February 17.
The tweet, translated into Spanish, reads:
Xbox fans will have some very interesting content on the channel on February 17th. I can't say more until that day. Thanks to Xbox for giving me early access so I can prepare my coverage in advance!
According to part of the user who commented, on Reddit, the post in question that gave life to the rumor, the news could concern the possibility that Microsoft may implement a feature for doubling the frame rate for those titles currently locked to 30fps, without requiring any kind of intervention by the developers. A feature that would therefore make both parties happy. gamers, because they might enjoy better performance for older generation games and developers, who without devoting even a minute to their previous works, they could see the same shining with new light.
Before closing, we remind you that in mid-January rumors began to circulate about the possibility that Electronic Arts is developing exclusive titles for Microsoft's next generation consoles. Also, recently Microsoft has claimed to be working on increasing production of Xbox Series X and Series S, in order to meet the great demand from Microsoft fans around the world. Finally, these were the words Phil Spencer spoke last October on the launch of the new consoles of the Colossus of Redmond.