The communication dedicated to Xbox Series X by the division Xbox is now well advanced, we talked about what has been revealed so far in the following article. The hardware has in fact been fully gutted, but the factor that most intrigues fans is the presence of first-party titles ready to enrich the library of the new machine, which have not yet been all revealed. In fact, in the past few hours, the well-known CEO of Xbox, Phil Spencer, has provided further details on the news that seems to be now in the pipeline.
I double-checked the plans for continued communication through the launch yesterday. The team is doing a great job and adapting. I've never been so excited about Xbox's plans. We heard you, you want transparency and authenticity. We intend to continue showing it to you, the next step won't be long in coming (games).
It therefore seems that in the coming weeks, or maybe days, we will receive further information regarding the titles designed specifically for the Xbox Series X, which, as we know, will also land on the Xbox One family catalog. We will provide you with more details as soon as these are released, stay tuned to our pages!