The famous free to play with a naval setting World of Warships arrives onEpic Game Store after landing on Steam, on the proprietary client, PlayStation 4 and even iOS. We do not know if this version of the product will contain new content, or if it will be completely connected - perhaps even with cross-play - to the others that have already been on the market for some time. There is also a lack of important information such as the release period, which is currently a great mystery.
It seems however that it will not be long to find out, since apparently Lesta Studio e Wargaming they are working on a real porting, which will therefore not particularly change the cards in practice of the experience. As always, we are dealing with a free to play game, a Action MMO offering over 300 historic vehicles such as Iowa, Bismarck and Yamato, fully usable by the player to clash during PVP battles. How? Well, with only naval battles, the very ones that make this work iconic for some time.
You can live the experience alone, or be accompanied by friends in some PVP and PVE skirmishes, or even in ranked battles with a real patented ranked system. As if that weren't enough, there is a way to properly customize each of the vehicles, to make your cars unique on the battlefield, and to recruit important historical commanders such as William F. Halsey Jr., Nikolay Kuznetsov and Yamamoto Isoroku. We hope to find out more details soon on the new version of World of Warships, which arrives on the Epic Games Store, could receive many more contents. We obviously hope that this happens, and we can't wait to find out what the arrival of the title on the aforementioned store will entail, while continuous fights continue to rage on other platforms, still very populated by tens of thousands of players from all over the world.