World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic was accidentally disclosed by Blizzard. According to what has been learned, a public relations officer of the same software house would have published by mistake a series of confidential information regarding the future projects of the Californian production house, among which is the last chapter of the famous series. Furthermore, it was also revealed that the title will be released right in 2021. Therefore, the classic version of the historic first expansion released back in 2007. “Travel through the Dark Portal once again” reads the post released and then immediately removed by Blizzard itself. It is therefore informative material intended for the public and which, evidently, should not have been released in these days.
This is not the first time that old sets have come back to life thanks to the Classic series (here let's talk about World of Warcraft Vanilla), but World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic had been talked about for some time. Just at the end of last year, a leak indicated May 4, 2021 as a possible release date for the title and that during this year's BlizzCon, which will be held on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 February, we would have received more information. concerning the expected title. Was the leaked material prepared for the event? Who knows, however, the omelette made remains.
The other news leaked by mistake is about World of Warcraft Shadowlands and the upcoming expansion Chains of Domination: there will be new dungeons, raids, PvP Season 2 and much more. In short, this is a huge leak of news, which will create more than a headache for the Californian software house itself.