During the PlayStation 5 presentation conference held a few months ago the first images were shown Resident evil village, eighth chapter belonging to the famous horror saga of Capcom. During this announcement, the launch window of the title was not specified, which should come out in an unspecified period of 2021. The title was only confirmed for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X e PC, but according to the famous insider Dusk Golem the game is also intended for a cross-generation version.
Back then, I initially knew (prior to COVID) that the game was going to be cross-gen and that it would be out in January 2021. Let me just say I had 100% confirmation that the game will still be cross-gen and that everything will be announced. soon. The release date still points to the first half of 2021.
So I've said before that I know for a fact (before COVID) this game was launching a cross-gen game aiming for a January 2021 release date.
Let me just say I got 100% confirm the game is still cross-gen, that will be revealed soon, release date is still aiming for first-half 2021.
- AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@ AestheticGamer1) September 22, 2020
Capcom hasn't made any official announcements yet, but Dusk Golem has often proved reliable when it comes to the world of Resident Evil. Obviously we are only talking about rumors that are anything but certified that we invite you to take with a grain of salt.
The story of Resident Evil Village, according to the latest rumors, will take place seven years after the previous chapter. We will be called again to wear the shoes of Ethan Winters and his path will cross with that of Christopher "chris" Redfield, after the two had met at the end of the seventh chapter. Their new meeting, in Town, however, will not be the best as evidenced by the launch trailer. The setting will be a clear change of course compared to the past, since we will be dealing with seven and what would appear to be gods werewolves. No zombies or biological weapons, therefore, and it could make many historical fans of the saga turn up their noses.
According to some rumors, Capcom would be working in parallel with the sequel by Resident Evil 7, to the remake of the fourth chapter (in our previous article we explain why the idea does not convince us), and ad another remake still shrouded in mystery. For now, no news on a possible remake of Dino Crisis.