Several times in recent weeks there have been rumors regarding a new modality Battle Royale inserted inside the next Call of Duty (chapter not yet officially announced but which we know will be released by the end of the year). At the moment the first rumors want this future episode of the saga set during the years of the "cold war“, A scenario that, for now, seems to be appreciated by many users. But what about the excellent mode Warzone released a few months ago?
It would seem that the now famous Battle Royale will remain for a long time, thus averting any doubt among fans of the saga and in particular of the aforementioned mode. Similar games such as PUBG, Fortnite, Apex and others have amply demonstrated that this genre does not need cyclical editions or second chapters, but instead need constant updates, sometimes very full-bodied, which allow the title to constantly keep up with the times. and giving new life to it over the years.
Second Tom Henderson by Viral Junkie, the Battle Royale mode of the new Call of Duty will still remain Warzone for at least another chapter. Only time will tell us if Warzone has the right cards to last again and again for years to come.
The current plan is for Warzone to be somehow integrated into CoD 2020. It's likely that Warzone will be accessible via the CoD 2020 menu. This is because CoD 2020 will not have its own Battle Royale mode.
- Tom Henderson (@_TomHenderson_) May 19, 2020