During the recent financial conference of Ubisoft, for investors and analysts, the chief executive officer Yves Guillemot spoke about the next generation of consoles, stating that this will not only bring excitement to gamers by offering more color during Q&A sessions, but will further boost the gaming market. The CEO did not refer exclusively to in his statements PS5 e Xbox Scarlet, but to all the peripherals that will arrive on the market in the near future, they will make a contribution to the videogame market. Still on the next-gen of Sony e Microsoft products, Ubisoft CEO continued:
The important thing is that when you get to the new generation of consoles soon you can sell your games for a long time. We are very happy to be close to the launch of these new peripherals, because it will benefit all the games we launch. The arrival of the new consoles will help enormously.
Guillemot also added that the two generations will coexist for some time, and this will help a lot. Subsequently, he was asked to clarify whether Ubisoft's five games arriving during the next fiscal year (Watch Dogs: Legion, Gods and Monsters e Rainbow Six Quarantine, as well as two unannounced AAA titles) would be available for both the current and next generation, taking advantage of the features of the new machines or simply through backwards compatibility. Here is his answer:
The five titles, yes, will be part of this generation and the next, and will take full advantage of all the new features offered by the machines, which will be extremely interesting for the players. You will be able to download new content much faster, there will be a better frame rate… so there will be a lot of great news coming with these new consoles.