The founder of epic Games Tim Sweeney, through your official Twitter account, spoke about the recent clash with Apple and Google. For the uninitiated, in the last few days a real media hurricane has been unleashed around Fortnite, the famous Battle Royale title from Epic Games. The development team, in fact, has recently decided to introduce a new payment system in Fortnite designed specifically for versions for versions Android e iOS of title. This system allows players to purchase directly within the game, thus bypassing Apple's payment processing and avoid the 30% tax on purchases. In response to this, Apple has decided to remove the title from the App Store.
In a statement sent to The Verge, Apple said it removed Fortnite from the App Store for violated company guidelines, stating that the change was done with intent to violate these guidelines and that has not been reviewed or approved by Apple. Shortly after Epic Games, via a post published on the account Twitter Fortnite official, has announced that it has opened a lawsuit against Apple, because of his monopolistic and unfair behavior against the competition.
The story subsequently underwent a further twist. Fortnite has in fact also been removed from the devices Android, and the result of that action is that epic Games, as it did with Apple, he decided to sue also Google. With this rather delicate picture, Tim Sweeney has finally broken the silence by expressing himself about it. Here are his words on the matter:
We are fighting for the freedom of those who have bought smartphones, so that they can install applications from the resources of their choice. For the freedom of app creators, so that they can distribute them as they see fit, and for the freedom of both groups to do business directly. […] We all have rights, and we must fight to defend them from anyone who tries to deny them, even if it means going against a major company like Apple.