According to some recent rumors, the hugely popular game The Simpsons Hit and Run could make a comeback thanks to a remastered, introducing new visual effects and many other improvements. Already in October 2019 Vlad Ceraldi, producer of the title, had opened the doors to a possible return of the title on different platforms, even if at the time there was no concrete project at stake. Here are the words of Ceraldi:
The idea of bringing [The Simpsons Hit and Run] back to the stage with a different audience and on a whole new generation of devices has emerged in previous discussions, but simple pub chatter, so nothing serious.
Well, a little over a year after the previous statements by the producer of The Simpsons Hit and Run, the idea of a possible remastered finds more confirmation thanks to a series of information that emerged on reddit. The post, which you can conveniently find at the bottom of the article, in addition to focusing on several AAA titles such as Far Cry 6, a new Tomb Raider and Mad Max II, would confirm that the Hit and Run remastered is already in the works. We remind you to take such news with the appropriate precautions, since these are simple rumors and that the same FOX, which owns the IP rights, has not commented on the matter.
(Leaked) List of games to be announced over the summer # Grainofsalt? pic.twitter.com/pt1fKnwdBQ
- Idle Sloth (@ IdleSloth84) May 21, 2020