The world of videogames is an ecosystem in which creativity is one of the foundations on which the entire videogame industry rests and, more often than not, Nintendo was one of the pioneers in this regard. The Kyoto company has always been characterized bycreative approach applied to the development of its consoles and IPs, which have often revolutionized the way to play. One of his most recent and original creations is Ring Fit Adventure, a title in which the playful component is combined with that fitness. Thanks to the special controller called Ring-Con, players will be able to control their character within the game while performing physical activity of a certain level. And in case the Ring Fit Adventure isn't intense enough for you, you can also use the Ring-Con with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
The user of Reddit SuperLouis64 has in fact shown how it is possible to use the particular controller also to play with the masterpiece of the great N. As you can see from the video present at the opening of the article, the modder has in fact played the blockbuster of Nintendo by exploiting the sensors of the Ring-Con to perform jumps, climbing e run along the immense map inside the title. As for the fighting, however, it was not necessary to remodel the commands of the Joy-Con while you need to do squats to open the game menu.
This experiment is not the first performed by SuperLouis64. In the past he had already successfully adapted the commands of Super Mario 64 e Dark Souls 3 in order to use them with the Ring-Con. Despite the obvious difficulties in playing a complex title like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, it is interesting to note that even bizarre controllers like the Ring-Con can be able to totally change the gameplay of a game from the gaming experience " classical ".