Towards the end of 2018, N opened a job offer that could hint at the arrival of character customization and an In-Game Store for The Last of Us Part 2. from what we read in the announcement, the position sought is that for the role of server programmer, whose task would be to create an "ecosystem of services for players", which guides them in matchmaking and obtaining rewards in order to access the customization of the character through the appropriate Store.
Probably the developers intend to propose a customization system similar to the one already seen in Uncharted 4, but for the moment the information on the multiplayer sector of The Last of Us Part 2 they remain decidedly sparse. The doubts in this regard still remain many, also considering the fact that for Uncharted 4 dedicated servers were not created, so even the search for a server programmer could concern any other Naughty Dog title. For the moment we are awaiting further news from the developers.