Whether it was the leak of news of the last few days that helped the push to the revelation, or that Sony has finally drawn conclusions, the dates so far unknown and that we were most concerned about have finally been revealed: The Last of Us Part 2 will be available starting June 19th, while Ghost of Tsushima it will follow a little less than a month later, or the 17 July. To break the news was Sony mom with an official post on PlayStation Blog, congratulating and also thanking the two development studios behind the titles, N e Sucker Punch Productions.
Both teams have worked hard to bring world-class experiences to the world, and we can't wait to find out what you think as soon as they're released.
The greatest difficulty, as well as the changes of the last period, came due to the global crisis of Covid-19 which unfortunately we know well, which drastically undermined the plans for the global distribution of the aforementioned products. The Last of Us Part 2 had in fact been postponed, once again, due to logistical problems, for which it would not have been possible to distribute the copies correctly and within the established times due to the restrictions (also and above all working) due to the pandemic. In any case, this time it is really unlikely that the date will be moved again, and barring other disasters we should be faced with the final release date.
As anticipated by the various trailers that we have had the opportunity to view during this long wait, we have ascertained that this time the figure of Ellie will be even more important than what we saw in the first episode, flanked by an aged Joel and pushed more than ever, this time by a personal motivation.
We will keep you informed if Naughty Dog itself makes any statements in the next few hours.