In recent days, the new date on which the annual event will be held was officially announced Tales of Festival 2020, dedicated to the famous JRPG series by Bandai Namco. The event, organized every year to present the news on the series of Tales Of, was initially canceled due to the Coronavirus health emergency of the Japanese company, which only subsequently decided to organize a more fun-oriented live stream, scheduled for the next June 14 2020. The stream, which already has a YouTube countdown channel, appears to be more of an opportunity for community fans to come together and celebrate the series' 25th anniversary, considering that Bandai Namco has already commented on this, saying that people shouldn't expect big news or announcements from the live stream of Tales of Festival 2020.
Fans will have the chance to find some of the series' main voice actors as guests of the live stream, including Katsuyuki Konishi e Masaya Onosaka, with the hope of receiving some information from the developers or the development team of the new one Tales of Arise, expected to be released by 2020 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. So we just have to wait for more information, even if the news on the new titles will almost certainly be released only in the next event of the Japanese company, which will be held only on 7 March of the 2021.