During the latest The Game Awards 2020 a presentation trailer was shown for the next character who will join the roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: the legendary SOLDIER Sephiroth, the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII. A special Direct hosted by Masahiro Sakurai in person in which the moveset of this new scary fighter was presented, a new scenario and a new selection of sound tracks dedicated to the Final Fantasy series, along with many new features that will arrive with the next update of the fighting game for Nintendo Switch. To celebrate Sephiroth's arrival in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, new costumes have been announced for the Mii Warriors at the beginning of the live, based on Barrett, Tifa and Aerith of Final Fantasy VII, Geno of Super Mario RPG and a headdress in the shape of Chocobo.
Sephiroth looks like a very agile swordsman, who with his own very long katana manages to cover much longer distances than any other 'hand-to-hand' fighter (excluding of course Min Min). His neutral special move allows him to attack with the projectile Fusione (Flare in English), which can be charged to inflict higher damage on enemies by becoming Megafusion o Gigafusion. With the side special move Sephiroth flings Shadow glow, which with a snap of his fingers can make orbit around his opponents up to five spheres that will attack him after a few seconds. With the special move up you can throw a Lightning strike, which if loaded will strengthen itself, becoming a powerful one Octacolpo. Finally, with his special move down, Sephiroth will be able to protect himself from enemy hits thanks to Spark, which creates a barrier in front of you. The antagonist of Final Fantasy VII possesses among other things the possibility of manifest its black wing, just like in the movie Advent Children, an interesting mechanic that will allow him to be faster and deal more damage until he takes a life from the opponent.
The scenario that will come along with Sephiroth will be the "North cave“, A stage that is completely based on the final act of the seventh chapter of Final Fantasy. In fact, in the background there will be several scenes that refer to the last phases of the JRPG branded Square Enix, where we find, for example, the spacecraft Highwind who escapes from the cave and witnesses the inevitable occurrence of a worldwide catastrophe (which obviously we do not spoil out of respect for all those who have not yet played it). Along with a new character and a new scenario, more will come as well 9 music tracks from Final Fantasy VII, which will join the 2 songs already included in the fighting game.
Sephiroth will join the battle the next 23 December, but to pay homage to this iconic antagonist Sakurai has added a particular item to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate main screen: the "Sephiroth's Challenge". This mode will be accessible only for a limited period, from December 18th at 2:00 am on December 23rd to be exact, and if you complete it at the hardest level it will be possible unlock the fighter well before his official release... but we assure you that it will not be child's play at all, "the angel with one wing" will give a hard time to anyone who tries to stop him!