Anyone who has ever played a competitive online title probably knows the term "frustration". Being defeated by someone at the last second, losing due to some bug or simple bad luck are variables that everyone, at least once in a gamer's life, has tried on our skin. Often this is accompanied by a few seconds of anger and outburst, just as happened to the user in question.
WingsOfRedemption, avid player of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, after an online session lasting about 40 minutes and especially after yet another defeat also caused by the team he played with, he literally lost his temper and asked for donations to continue streaming. These are his words during the outburst:
“I hate doing that, but if you want me to keep streaming it will cost you $ 10 an hour. Why do people care to make me angry all the time so much? It's not funny that way, especially when you have six people throwing smoke grenades at you and you have four on your team that make you lose 0-15 ”.
Obviously the community did not respond as the streamer wanted who, between an emoticon and a suggestion to go to really work, had to end the current session. Asking for donations is not a bad thing, many already do this, but asking for money just because you are frustrated by an online game is definitely not the best way to expand your audience or fill your pockets. Who knows how many will continue to follow him. Below you can see the video of WingsOfRedemption: