The Antitrust, fined the Japanese company Sony, because it didn't use with PlayStation 4 conduct likely to mislead consumers. The company received a 2 million euro fine from the competition supervisor on economic markets, because it did not adequately inform consumers of PlayStation 4 and its related products.
The news was published by Ansa, in which we can report that the packaging of PS4 and the site from which to buy it would contain incomplete information regarding the costs that must be incurred for if you want to use the online game, defining it as a "conduct likely to mislead consumers". In this regard, the body fined 2 million euros Sony, which will also have to adapt by adding all the information necessary to describe the paid products that you encounter when buying one PlayStation 4.
The news that might sound strange to you is not so much to be underestimated. Not all people are informed or are informed on specialized sites like ours, about the costs and applications that we find inside a console. Second The Antitrust, companies must precisely inform what are the ancillary costs incurred by purchasing a console rather than another, omitting it would not provide an important discriminant for competition.