Silent Hill: Konami registers the brand again

    Silent Hill: Konami registers the brand again

    It is from August 2014, with the release of PT., that of the brand of Silent Hill we don't know anything anymore (which in fact, was the playable teaser of Silent Hills). Konami since then he hasn't released any more information and fans of the series have remained with a bad taste in their mouths at the idea that that chapter, which Hideo Kojima should have worked on, will never see the light. It is at this time, however, the news that the Japanese company has again registered the trademark of the famous horror saga. This translates into two possibilities: on the one hand, it may have done so simply to keep the intellectual property of Silent Hill, on the other it could mean that Konami really intend to exploit the brand. Until official news, unfortunately, these will remain only suppositions, with the only certainty that the title born from the mind of Keiichiro Toyama it has not been entirely forgotten.

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