Scheduled for next spring in Europe, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster it is certainly one of the most anticipated titles by RPG fans. The game, developed by Atlus e SEGA, is the remastered version of the third installment of the series, first released in 2003 on PlayStation 2. After a few months of silence from the software houses, in the last hours Atlus has released a new series of information on the game and some new screenshots related to the DLC Maniax Pack, who will introduce the character of Dante Alighieri within the game. The protagonist of Capcom's Devil May Cry series will be present along with the DLC from the day the game is released in Japan, which is the next 29 October su PlayStation 4 e Nintendo Switch.
With a short press release, Atlus has announced what other additional content will be available for players to download, in addition of course to the Maniax Pack DLC already mentioned. First of all it will be possible to carry out the free download area of Merciful difficulty, which will guarantee all players to proceed in the game without running into excessive difficulties. It will be possible to shop for 350 yen also the Little Master's Mercy DLC, which will allow you to access an exclusive game map in which “Heavy Grimoires” and “Light Grimoires” are present as rewards, important tools needed to level up your character. The DLC Master's Expectations, also costing 350 yen, introduces an additional map that, like the previous one, provides items that can be exchanged at the shop as prizes.
Furthermore, it will be possible to buy from 5st November packs containing the soundtracks of Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei II, Shin Megami Tensei IV e Shin Megami Tensei IV Final, each for 220 yen. Finally, Atlus also announced the introduction of some new features. Among these there is a puzzle game which will allow you to get important items once you have completed all 20 stages and one game mode called "Burial Chamber" where it will be possible to challenge the bosses already defeated previously. Unlike the original title, it will also be Game progress can be saved at any time. As already anticipated at the beginning of the article, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster will arrive in Europe and the United States in the spring of 2021.