In a recent interview, Atsushi Inaba of PlatinumGames is back to talk about Scalebound, a title that in the past has made a lot of talk about itself due to its cancellation. The developers have always had the desire to continue the work on the promising project, and Inaba wanted to express this desire of the team again:
This is an intellectual property that belongs 100% to Microsoft. Whatever happens with this project, we can't do anything unless Microsoft lets us. But it's a game we're in love with and we love, so if the opportunity arises, we'll gladly return.
We will therefore have to wait for news from Microsoft to know if Scalebound will finally be able to return. Meanwhile, we remind you that PlatinumGames is currently working on Bayonetta 3, Babylon's Fall and The Wonderful 101 Remastered, whose Kickstarter campaign has already achieved important goals.