Well-known insider Dusk Golem recently returned to talk about Resident evil village, sharing exciting new details on the next installment in the series. In one of his tweets, responding to a user who wondered if it is true that NPCs will be present in the title as in The Evil Within 2, he stated that indeed the eighth episode of the saga will include a large number of secondary characters, which will also have a much more important role than in previous chapters.
Like The Evil Within 2? Not like that. But there are many secondary characters in Resident Evil 8, and the villagers will play a much more important role than the people we generally meet in a Resident Evil game. The people in the Village are important to RE8, and some of them are just "normal" people.
This is still unconfirmed information, however, considering how the same village in the game is considered a protagonist by Capcom, it is quite likely a greater involvement of secondary characters who probably inhabit the place. We remind you that Resident Evil Village will be available over the next year on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and PC. Below you can check out Dusk Golem's tweet:
Like TEW2? Not like that. But there is a lot of side characters in RE8 and the Villagers play a much bigger role than the people of a place usually do in a RE game. The people of the Village are important to RE8, and a number of them are just "normal" people. https://t.co/0p07rjcIaZ
- AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@ AestheticGamer1) July 7, 2020