One of the most discussed elements in the trailer shown during the last showcase dedicated to Resident evil village is undoubtedly the presence of Lady Dimitrescu, mysterious woman / vampire who appeared from the first announcement trailer of the title. The character has already won the hearts of many fans, and there are those who have also decided to calculate his mammoth height. We are talking about Ash Parrish which, through an article published on Kotaku, he analyzed the mysterious Lady and the objects around her.
After the unsuccessful attempt to calculate the woman's height through a chair, Ash concentrated oncastle architecture where most of the events of the branded horror will take place Capcom. The castle, specifically, should have been built in fifteenth century. During the course of the demo, available exclusively on PlayStation 5, Ash found himself in the situation of having to flee from Lady Dimitrescu, who was forced to bend down to get through a door. From this sequence Ash noticed that the woman's shoulders are roughly level with the top of the door. Also, while he was examining the dimensions of the antique chairs on the website of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, found a XNUMXth century French door. Ash then decided to use that door's measurements as a yardstick to determine its height, and the answer is somewhat surprising. After various calculations, in fact, he managed to calculate a height equal to 96 inches or eight feet, which I correspond to almost two meters and fifty. From these numbers it is clear that this Lady Dimitrescu could prove to be the new one Nemesis (o Mr X) of the saga of resident evil.
After the last showcase Resident Evil Village finally has a release date, that is 7 Maggio 2021. The game will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and Windows PC (Steam). The versions for PS4 and Xbox One will be update for free to their next-generation counterparts (on Xbox Series X / S thanks to the Microsoft Smart Delivery service). Furthermore, as mentioned above, a demo is available of the title in exclusive right su PlayStation 5.