Rainbow Six Siege continues its escalation, offering all its players continuous and constant updates that introduce news, Operators, maps and much more. Now at theYear 6 of the game, here it is Ubisoft has finally revealed what are the main novelties of the title that we will list below:
The first and perhaps the most important is the introduction of a new Operator who arrives with the arrival of Operation Crimson Heist. His name is Flowers: Argentine, assailant, and a character already known through small teasers released. Special feature of the new character is his gadget, the Ratero. An explosive drone capable of killing enemies or destroying opposing gadgets. The reinforced walls, however, will not be able to be knocked down, but it is able to move in all directions, stick to the walls and jump. Flores will have an SR-25 or AR-33 as a primary weapon, a GSH-18 as a secondary, and a choice of flashbang or Skirts 6 as a secondary gadget. The Border map has also been reduced, allowing for greater competitiveness.
Staying on the attackers theme, it will be possible to change Operators and equipment during the droning phase, and it will be possible to actively control gadgets and drones even during the post-mortem phase. In fact, the dead attackers will be able to maneuver the drones of their companions, and the defenders instead will be able to control Echo's drones and Maestro's cams. Another rework involves the bulletproof camera, which will now be able to fire a small EMP beam that damages enemy equipment. Always remaining on the rework theme, some operators have undergone more or less significant changes. Goyo, for example, loses his shield, his Vulkan will in fact be deployed as an ADS. Melusi and his Banshee will also be reworked, with the latter revealing a weak point once activated, allowing attackers to strike without wasting utilities. Still, Finka will be able to use her gadget to finally get up.
Year 6 will still receive many more updates, as the new and future operator that we know comes from the indigenous Nakoda population, and that the Favelas map will undergo a significant rework (only in casual playlists). In Season 3 it will be the turn of a Croatian operator, while in Season 4 the new operator will be an Irishman, and the map to undergo a rework will be Outback. Obviously, the software house behind Rainbow Six Siege will always and constantly strive to improve the quality of the games and counter the cheaters, as well as optimize server performance, improve the ranking system and matchmaking.