During the live streaming dedicated toUbisoft Forward the next was announced Six World Cup (find the trailer at the bottom of the news). A worldwide tournament that will bring together players and coaches from as many as 45 countries in a global competition that celebrates Rainbow Six Siege and unleash new rivalries in search of the World Cup trophy. Also, during the presentation of the new season, it was stated that a new operator will be introduced, Sam Fisher (the famous agent of the series of Splinter Cell). As he states Leroy Athanassoff, the game's creative director, said this season will see the biggest update ever.
The latest news announced during the live streaming license plate Ubisoft, notifies all fans that there will be a new game update, titled Shadow Legacy, on the occasion of the release of the new generation consoles. Inside the new update there will be a completely modernized version of the historic Rainbow Six Siege map, Chalet. The developers focused on rebalancing certain elements in order to provide him with "all the love he deserved". Many sites have changed the access point while, the substantial novelty concerns the addition of a new sector, Solarium, which replaces the former balcony next to the master bedroom.