The launch of Rainbow Six Quarantine, next title in the famous shooter / tactical saga that after the debut of Rainbow Six Siege has always enjoyed a thriving and passionate community, it seems to be not that far off. To date we do not yet know the day of the release, however it would seem that next month could be the decisive one. In fact, information about the day one patch that the title we already know will receive has appeared on the PlayStation servers. What has aroused suspicion and curiosity, however, is the release date, not new to fans who follow the work.
Apparently, in the description of the update that will bring the title to its version 1.01 and with a weight of 14 GB more, reference was made not to a possible Beta of the game, but specifically to the physical version of the title. This update shows the date of March 21, in just over a month. Day when the new Rainbow Six Quarantine could actually be released. It is not the first time that this date appears on the sites that refer to the title. In the past it was sighted directly on the portal Ubisoft Connect although it was made clear by the company that in reality it was only a placeholder.
If so, there is actually not much left to the day of day one, which is why we believe that the same company could, before long, appearing to the general public with an official communication regarding the actual release date. To date, the main reasons behind this apparent silence are to be blamed on the delicate financial situation of the company and the desire to be able to release the game directly in the next "fiscal year", ie from next April. All that remains is to wait a little longer and find out when Rainbow Six Quarantine will finally make its exit.