During the Nintendo Direct Mini, the Kyoto house has revealed more information about the new expansions dedicated to Sword and Shield Pokémon. The DLC of "The lonely island of armor" and it's "The snowy lands of the crown”Will not only enlarge the region of Galar, but will introduce new creatures, new multiplayer game features and different outfits and accessories for customizing your character.
There will be a dojo on the island of Armor for Pokémon battles, which trainers can use to practice. Players who decide to undertake training at the new facility introduced in the game, will receive the legendary Pokémon directly from the master Mustard Kubfu. By training with the new creature, you will receive permission to face the Towers of the Two Fists. The challenge will require you to choose whether to face the Dark Tower or the Water Tower. Once the challenge is over, Kubfu will evolve into Urshifu, learning the style "Single shot", If you have chosen the Dark Tower, or the"Multi-shot"(Water Tower).
Also, during in Nintendo Direct Mini Gigamax forms of the three starters of the Galar region were shown (Rillaboom, Cinderace and Inteleon) with their respective exclusive moves; Gigarullio, Gigafiammopalla e Gigasparomirate. We remind you that the expansion "The lonely island of armor”Of Pokémon Sword and Shield will be available by the end of June, while as regards the DLC "The snowy lands of the crown"We will have to wait for the arrival of theautunno.