Nintendo has communicated an alternative procedure to accommodate Trainers, thus allowing unlock Zarude in Pokémon Sword and Shield even if the code could not be found at local retailers in the game. To unlock the Mysterious Pokémon Zande all the Trainers have to do is subscribe to the official Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter by December 18th. Coaches who register in this way will receive an email from the Coaching Club containing a code to unlock Zarude at January. Each Trainer will be able to receive only one code for each Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield cup in their possession.
Pokémon Sword and Shield are two different video games belonging to the genre of role-playing games released by Nintendo for its small hybrid console, Switch. This double title introduces the eighth generation of the Pokémon brand and was released last November 15 2019. The video games are set in the unprecedented region of Galar, largely inspired by the real-world scenarios of the United Kingdom, where rural life and industrial development coexist. Protecting the region are two mysterious creatures known by the names of Zacian (a wolf holding a sword in his jaws) e Zamazenta (also a wolf, partly protected by a mighty shield).
In the region players will have to face the Pokémon League Champion which responds to the name of dandel, whose younger brother (Hop) will be - depending on the case - friend or rival of the protagonist of the adventures. Both Dandel and Hop, during the adventure, will refer to the professor Flora, deputy to the study of Dynamax, in collaboration with his niece, Sonia. The game boasts the mechanics Gigamax, which involves not only the effects of the Dynamax but also an aesthetic change of the Pokémon in question, which boasts a new move based on the type of the Pokémon.
In the summer we published the review of the Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC, titled "Lonely Isle of Armor". At the end of September, however, we summarized all the news and the launch date of the second DLC, "The snow-covered lands of the Crown".